Invite your team members
Now that your workspace is created, you can add team members a few different ways. Remember that when inviting team members to a workspace, they will only have access to the specific workspace you grant access to.
1: Navigate to the top right corner of your dashboard, select your account profile image. Simply click “Collaborate with others” to add new collaborators to your workspace. Keep in mind that adding new members this way default to the workspace you currently have enabled. To enable a different workspace, simply click on the workspace you’d like to enable from the “All Spaces” page or navigate over to your left hand navigation, hover over your workspace icon, and select the workspace you’d like to enable.
2: Select the workspace you want to enable, then navigate to the left hand navigation and select “Settings”. Once in the workspace settings, select “Space” and scroll down to the “Space Members” section where you can invite new team members and clients.
3: Navigate to “All Spaces”, select the settings icon associated with the workspace located in the top right hand corner. This will take you to the workspace settings, where you can invite new team members.
Now that you know where to invite new members to your workspace, you need to know which permissions to give. This allows you to share access and features within your Stiddle workspace with the people that need access and limit the access to others.
Permissions include:
-Stiddle Pixel - Allow team members to access the Stiddle Pixel script. This is a great way to share your Stiddle Pixel code with developers, so they can add the Pixel Script on your website.
-Profiles - Allow team members to view all of the visitor and customer profiles that are created and tracked using Stiddle’s Identity Resolution.
-Analytics Dashboards - Give team members access to create new and edit existing analytics dashboards.
-Connectors - Allow team members to connect and configure new and existing connectors.
-Campaign Manager - Give team members access to view and manage campaign data within the Campaign Manager.