How do I view analytics for a specific campaign, ad set, or ad?

Selecting a specific campaign, ad set, or ad to view

To select a specific campaign, ad set, or ad to view in your dashboard, navigate to the top of the page and select “All Campaigns”. 

Next select an ad channel, then select a campaign, ad set, or ad to view.

You’ll then see the data on your dashboard change in reflection to the campaign, ad set, or ad you’ve selected. 

At anytime you want to view the data for all ad channels, simply navigate back to the selector and select “All”. 

Important Please note that when a specific ad channel is selected, any widgets you have on the dashboard that is not the selected ad channel will not show any data. To view the data for all widgets, regardless of the ad channel, simply navigate back to the selector and select “All”. 

Favoriting a dashboard

Favoriting a dashboard allows for quick and easy access to a dashboard in two ways - when selecting a campaign, ad set, or ad within the campaign manager, and when selecting the “My Favorite Board” from the navigation menu. 

To select a dashboard as your favorite, navigate to the “All Dashboards” page, located in the left navigation. 

Find the dashboard you want to favorite, then select the dashboard menu (three dots).

Select “Mark Favorite”.

Once marked as favorite, you’ll see the dashboard move to the first position on your “All Dashboards” page. Your favorite dashboard is indicated by the gold star icon next to the name.

To quickly access your favorite dashboard, simply select “My Favorite Board” from the left navigation. You’ll then be directed to your favorite dashboard.

To see analytics from the Stiddle Campaign Manager, simply hover over a campaign, ad set, or ad, then select the “Analytics” button.

Once selected, you’ll see the select campaign, ad set, or ad enabled in your favorite dashboard for quick analysis.

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