Everything you need to know about Stiddle Profiles
Stiddle Profiles are created for every website visitor - even before they purchase. Profiles are used for identity resolution and attribution, this allows Stiddle to track every website visitor and build a detailed profile for a complete user journey. Anytime a website visitor converts into a customer, Stiddle will know which ad was responsible for the conversion and attribute the purchase to the correct ad, leaving you with accuracy and a transparent timeline of every action the customer took that led up to the purchase.
Previewing a profile
To preview a specific profile, navigate to the “Profiles” page, located on the left side navigation menu.
From here, you’ll see a complete overview of every website visitor and customer since the time you installed the Stiddle Pixel.

See a quick overview of which products customers have purchased by selecting the number under the “Order Number” column.

Select a profile to learn more details about that customer and their conversion journey.

See an overview of the following:
- Purchases
- Add to carts
- Avg. CPC
- Page views
- Sessions
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Landing page
- Page converted from
- Source
- Date added
- Unique Stiddle Pixel ID
- Location
- IP address
- Activity timeline

Understand the complete journey of a visitor / customer
To see the complete journey of every profile, find and select a profile, then scroll down to the “All Activity” section.

From here you can see the following tracked and recorded actions taken by the customer:
- Home page view
- Collection page view
- Product page view
- Products added to cart
- Shopify purchase
- Facebook ad
- Google ad
- More coming soon!
Simply click on one of the actions in the activity timeline to expand and view more details. In the below example, you can see which Facebook campaign, ad set, and ad was responsible for the most recent purchase. Simply select the campaign, ad set, or ad to view more details inside the Stiddle Campaign Manager.